image palmistre

Le décret du 5 mars 1987 réorganise l’office du budget, le dénommant « Direction Générale du Budget ».

Entre temps, la constitution de 1987, en son article 223, précise que le contrôle de l’exécution de la loi sur le budget et sur la comptabilité Publique est assuré par la Cour Supérieure des Comptes et du Contentieux Administratif et par l’Office du Budget.

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  • +(509) 2992 1048/ 2992 1054
  • 5, Ave. Charles Summer
          Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Posté dans Rapport

Governance Diagnostic Report

Publié le 20 fév 2025

The contents of this document constitute technical advice provided by the staff of the International Monetary Fund to the authorities of Haiti (the "CD recipient") in response to their request for technical assistance. This document (in whole or in part) or summaries thereof may be disclosed by the IMF to the IMF Executive Director for Haiti, to other IMF Executive Directors and members of their staff, as well as to other agencies or instrumentalities of the CD recipient, and upon their request, to World Bank staff, and other technical assistance providers and donors with legitimate interest, unless the CD recipient specifically objects to such disclosure (see Operational Guidelines for the Dissemination of Capacity Development Information). 

Publication or Disclosure of this report (in whole or in part) to parties outside the IMF other than agencies or instrumentalities of the CD recipient, World Bank staff, other technical assistance providers and donors with legitimate shall require the explicit consent of the CD recipient and the IMF’s Legal department, Fiscal Affairs Department and Monetary and Capital Markets department.


Governance Diagnostic Report

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